CCPA Information Requests

Rights provided by the CCPA:

The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) provides the following rights relating to personal information:

  • “Request to Know” means a consumer request that a business disclose personal information about the consumer that it has collected, disclosed, or sold.
  • “Request to Delete” means a consumer request that a business delete personal information that the business has collected about the consumer.
  • “Request to Opt-out or Opt-in” to the sale of personal information to third parties. This request does not apply to Business Data, Inc. (“BDI”). Our Privacy Policy describes what personal information we collect and use. BDI has not and will not sell, share, or trade your personal information to third parties for any purpose, including for advertising, displaying ads, or other commercial marketing purposes.
  • “Right to Non-Discrimination” for the exercise of a consumer’s privacy rights.

How to make a Request to Know or a Request to Delete:

Online CCPA Requests may be initiated by submitting the following information:

First, Middle, Last
Please include City, State, and ZIP
Other name which may be on file

Business Requests:

BDI is a business-to-business (B2B) service provider. As such, requests made in a representative capacity (i.e., on behalf of a company, organization, or government agency) and requests made regarding personal information collected in the course of B2B communications or transactions, are likely exempt from most CCPA requirements. In such event, BDI will direct you to contact and initiate your request with the organization that is the originating source of the information requested.

Request confirmation:

BDI will confirm receipt of CCPA requests within 10 days. Please note, BDI will reply to requests, and any following correspondence, via email or in the manner in which they are received (e.g., mail, phone, in person).

Before we can satisfy your request, we must:

  • Verify your identity and confirm that you are the consumer about whom BDI has collected the information.
  • Be supplied with sufficient information from you in order to locate the information you seek.

BDI reserves up to 45 days to verify your identity, request additional information to enable locating your personal information, and to respond. That period may be extended for an additional 45 days, with a notice of explanation, for a maximum of 90 days where necessary, taking into account the complexity and number of the requests.

If your request is denied, we are required to inform you of our reasons for the denial. Generally, requests may be denied because of identity verification issues, security issues, conflict with state and federal laws, or because we do not have or cannot find the personal information that is the subject of the request.

Contact Us

Please direct any questions or concerns regarding CCPA Rights Requests to:

Helpdesk, CCPA
Business Data, Inc.
321 N. Oak St
Inglewood, CA 90302

Tel: (310) 412-1290

We will acknowledge your inquiry and attempt to reply or resolve your concerns as soon as possible.

Thank you,

Business Data, Inc.